In the past this blog has talked about the power of local website marketing, which helps promote your business to those customers nearby and thus most likely to benefit from what you have to offer. For many businesses, physical proximity is important, but it isn’t a deciding factor for every online store. If you don’t have a local focus, you’re probably deciding between a narrow focus on your existing client base, or a more broad, far-reaching website marketing strategy that will help bring in new clients while also catering to the needs and wants of your current base.
We typically help our clients find a balance of both, using web design that will reach both groups simultaneously and content arranged to ensure that each group can find what it wants.
Separate Web Pages Make For Great Website Marketing
When you are dealing with a number of different groups, creating different web pages is one of the most powerful tools you have. Search engine optimization allows you to specifically target website marketing at a particular group and ensure that you’ll be reaching them, rather than simply creating something that will be seen by everyone who Googles you. Knowing your potential markets is a necessary first step to making this strategy successful. You must be able to correctly identify keywords that each will target, and know how to tailor your website marketing and content appropriately for each.
Consistent Web Design Is A Benefit
Although your website marketing and content may change between the various micro-sites you set up, keeping your web design consistent can be a good idea. A consistent web design helps emphasize your company’s branding, especially because your design probably features your logo in a prominent location. Branding like this will help you be easily identifiable for any visitor, regardless of whether they’re a new customer or someone who’s worked with you before.
Connecting Your Micro Sites
The micro sites themselves need not have any connection to each other. Much like location based landing pages, these are designed to augment a strong, centralized website marketing plan with specific information relevant to a particular group. Your main homepage should have information that everyone will want to know; these subpages should emphasize the particular aspects of your products or services that people searching for these key terms would want to know. For example, if you manufacture office paper, you might have one page targeted at large businesses who will order in massive bulk, while another is targeted at small businesses requiring slightly less volume.
Avoid Being Too Niche
No matter what kind of website marketing strategy you choose, it is almost always wise to avoid catering exclusively to people in your niche market. Always make sure that you have ample information available on your website for people who may not understand what it is you have to offer. This extra content will help your website marketing overall so long as it’s properly optimized, and should fit in easily with your web design.
If your company would like help creating a web design and website marketing plan that will appeal to current customers and new business as well, Upton Technology Group can help. We can seamlessly unite the two, creating a strong web presentation for multiple audiences.